The Best Android Photo Apps


Smartphones Apps have infiltrated the photography market and are the reason for the decrease in sales for most camera manufacturers. Today’s most popular models provide high-quality video and image quality and can meet the requirements of the most demanding photographers.   Another benefit smartphone users have is that they are not limited to various camera software but can also use powerful tools to edit images to improve their pictures!

There are many photo apps for Android users. with the many available options, it is difficult to determine which is best suited to your requirements. This post will suggest the best photo applications for Android users according to their capabilities and features.

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Photoshop Camera Photo

Photoshop Camera Photo Filters is an editing program for photos that is ideal for rapid editing and retouching.

This application allows you to apply various effects and filters to your images before and after taking the image with your phone.

Various filters are available to customize your photos and create a photo that is exactly like yours. It is helpful for minor retouches, and it will come with some limitations for more complex editing, like the animation of photos or sky replacement.


Snapseed is a compelling and professional-quality photo editing software developed by Google. It is often ranked among the top photography applications for the right reason. It’s loaded with features, including 29 filters and tools, as well as many other features that professional and amateur photographers appreciate. The most appealing thing about Snapseed is that it offers all of these features at no cost! Let’s hope that Google will keep Snapseed just the way it is!


With more than 400 filters for photos with advanced features, AI-aided photo tools, and royalty-free image connectivity, PhotoDirector is by far the most effective photo editing application to be found in 2022.

The app’s simplicity of use, professional editing tools, and collection of filters, effects, and transitions will help you become an image expert.


FaceApp can be extremely useful for those who love selfies.

The perfect tool for removing those unwanted flaws, Facetune will allow you to use features as simple as changing your hairstyle, exfoliating your skin, applying makeup, and other more basic tools, like cropping or applying filters.

Simple to use, this app is perfect for any influencer who wants to look and feel their best before posting their latest photo on Instagram.


Canva is another great photo editing application. With Canva, you can edit all your images using basic editing features, like cropping or adding filtering.

One of the most remarkable characteristics Canva provides is the possibility of several collage templates. Suppose you’d like to create beautiful collages. In that case, you can add several images of your vacation within the same frame. The program offers a variety of templates with different themes that will give a touch of sophistication to your photos.

Google Camera

Google Camera is Google’s official application for Android smartphones. Although less feature-rich than its rivals, this application can satisfy the requirements of the typical smartphone user. Other features you’ll find using Google Camera include portrait mode photos, photospheres, and the fantastic night Sight mode in some versions. Be aware that the number of supported features depends on your gadget.


Pixlr is an application for editing photos that can meet your basic editing requirements.

With its quick ramp-up, Pixlr will be especially liked by those new to the program. The program has several helpful features, such as powerful adjustment brushes that aid you; for example, in lightening or darkening photos, you want to alter your brightness and apply preset effects and filters to offer your photos that unique appearance.

It is available as a download for free; Pixlr also offers a paid version that costs E7.99 per month, which grants users access to all effects, stickers, and templates. Like the program we mentioned earlier, Pixlr will satisfy basic editing requirements, but it will not allow for more advanced editing and adjustments.


After Google Photos went pay, there’s an unmet need for a quality photo backup application for a reasonable cost. Based on customers’ reviews and personal experience, Degoo is a viable alternative to Google Photos. It gives 100GB of free storage for its most basic users, and it also offers subscriptions that can go to 10TB of storage in unlimited capacity costing $9.99 monthly.

Simple Gallery Pro

As the name implies, Simple Gallery Pro is a straightforward gallery app that serves one purpose: to display images saved on your phone. The thing that makes it unique is it supports a vast range of additional functions, which range from the ability to edit photos using a tool and an organizer for files to the capability to retrieve deleted images and protect the sensitive data stored in your phone from being viewed by others.