10 Best Way To Learn Coding For Kids 

Coding For Kids


Learning to code is an excellent skill to have in childhood. Kids’ problem-solving abilities can improve with coding, fostering imagination and creativity. Additionally, it provides a solid basis for the eventual study of different computer science fundamentals.

Of course, teaching children to code by having them read a 500-page book with tiny, black-and-white text and computer scripts is not the most exciting method. Fortunately, many tools have been created for , especially to make coding training engaging, simple to understand, and, most importantly, entertaining.

Why Coding For Kids?

Kids these days are growing up in a digital world. They’re using tablets and smartphones before they can even talk. And while this exposure to technology is great in many ways, it also has its downside. One of the problems with kids growing up with technology is that they’re not learning how to code. This is a problem because coding is becoming increasingly important. It’s a skill that will be necessary for many jobs in the future. That’s why it’s important to introduce kids to coding at an early age.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, programming expertise might give youngsters transferable abilities for the profession since computer science careers are expanding. Children should learn to code for these fundamental reasons even if they have no intention of doing so in 18 years.

  • Kids learn to solve problems through coding
  • Children learn resilience through coding
  • Kids’ creativity can be developed through programming
  • Coding For Kids can teach teamwork and entrepreneurship

10 Resources for Coding For Kids

1. Codeable Crafts

With the help of the free iPad and Android software Codeable Crafts, youngsters are introduced to coding using their creativity. Through narrative, this software enables children to practice programming. Using straightforward “code blocks,” kids may create their own stories or add animations to narrative prompts.

2. CodeCombat

CodeCombat offers lessons for classes and young people who wish to learn how to code independently using a game-based approach. Through a gaming platform, students are taught programming languages like Python and JavaScript while being tutored digitally by teachers. Enrolling in a competitive AI coding league allows kids to socialize.

3. CodeEmoji

For children in grades 1 through 8, Codemoji provides a coding education. Children build their websites and make animations inside a specified virtual play space as part of the program’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript lessons.

Beginner, intermediate, and expert-level courses are available for enrollment by students. Codemoji makes sure that its programs are both entertaining and challenging to prevent youngsters from getting bored or discouraged.

4. Code.org

Code.org facilitates in-person instruction in nearby towns and schools. Additionally, the website provides online computer science classes that children can take at home. Students can now access one-hour seminars on artificial intelligence and Minecraft for introductory or quick-hit lessons.

5. HopScotch

Hopscotch is an app for kids ages 10 to 16 that teaches users how to write code by letting them make animated tales, games, and artwork. This iPad and iPhone coding program educate youngsters about entrepreneurship as well. With in-app cash seeds, gamers may “pay” game developers, which inspires users to get inventive and create alluring programs.

6. Scratch and Scratch Jr

Children learn to code via imagination and creativity using the apps Scratch and ScratchJr. The MIT Lifelong Kindergarten Group, the Playful Invention Company, and the Tufts University DevTech Research Group all contributed to the creation of the applications. While ScratchJr provides courses for children ages 5-7, Scratch is targeted toward children ages 8 to 16.

Read Also: 10 Best Ways to Learn Computer Programming for Kids

7. SpriteBox Coding

Kids as young as four may learn the fundamentals of coding with SpriteBox Coding. The program covers fundamental Swift and Java grammar and features like loops, procedures, and sequencing. The application bills itself as an “adventure game” that teaches kids by having them code icons that ultimately become written instructions.

8. Swift Playgrounds

Swift, a programming language for Apple applications, is the main topic of this application. With the aid of actual code, users of Swift Playgrounds may direct a character through a 3D environment. Players go through levels that get harder as they pick up more complex topics. Players gain knowledge of ideas like commands, loops, parameters, and variables along the way.

9. Tynker

Children between the ages of 5 and 18 may learn computer science skills using the online creative coding platform Tynker. Block-based coding exercises serve as the introduction to computers in the lessons. These blocks develop into JavaScript and Python instructions as pupils learn more. To keep youngsters interested, the courses use an immersive, game-like approach.

10. Vidcode

For teens, Vidcode provides classes in HTML, CSS, game creation, physical computing using MakeyMakey, and Intro to JavaScript. In these classes, students learn how to develop challenging projects like simulations and video games.


Kids may learn a variety of essential skills through programming. Even said, many applications to Coding For Kids are just for pleasure, and there are few things more fundamental to childhood than having fun and using your imagination freely.

Read More: Qurdle Game: How The Qurdle App Makes Playing With Your Kids Fun