How Coming Upon Pure Inner Silence Can Change Our Life

Have any of us ever pondered the following question: what exactly is silence, and is it merely the absence of sound?

Well, in a way, yes: silence makes outer sound possible or perceptible, and in that sense, silence bestows upon sound a vibrancy, quality, or nature that many people refer to as mental freedom.

However, silence encompasses much more than the mere absence of sound. Silence, when viewed from a transcendental perspective, is essentially Power or consciousness waiting to be stimulated into action. This is because silence is associated with transcendence.

Therefore, complete inner silence is equivalent to the concept of ‘potential,’ where potential requires sound contact in order to actualize one’s dormant potential. Mantras are utilized in meditation for this very reason: the sounds of mantras vibrate into deeper levels of consciousness. The vibrational sound waves that mantras emit enter levels of awareness that were not previously touched upon, which results in an expanded capacity of the conscious mind. levels of consciousness that exist beyond the mental noise and sound caused by the passage of time and space, also known as relative existence. A state of consciousness known as transcendental silence, which is also referred to as cosmic consciousness, brings the all-knowing inner intelligence that is reality into the realm of consciousness. Within this framework, the direct experience of transcendental silence is brought about by vibrational sound waves that occur within the deeper mind.

According to Exodus 3:14, the King James Version of the Bible, God spoke to Moses and said, “I AM That I AM.”

The phrase “God said unto Moses” can also be interpreted as “God said unto you/me.”

Therefore, when asked, “what is your name” (name meaning nature, so the question really meant, “what is your nature?”), Jesus responded, “I AM That I AM,” which means, “I will be what I will be,” which means that my INNER name/nature is I AM Self-existent soul-silence; my transcendent I AM nature is Self-sufficient unto my own consciousness. Therefore, like an ocean without boundaries, the transcendental silence of “I AM” holds and nourishes the life-needs of each and every soul. To put it another way, the Truth, or the Silence that knows everything, is already present within each one of us in the form of Potential.

We are all made in the image (imagination) and likeness (potential) of I AM, also known as God-Nature; in other words, we are all the eternal I AM Silence or Potential. This means that the ‘I AM’ potential is the same standard for each individual. When viewed in this light, as self-existent beings, each of us has the ability to create our own fate, as well as the dreams and visions that are most dear to our hearts, by employing our most vivid imaginations. Thus, anything we can think of (in our minds) and have trust in (faith put into action), we can accomplish (manifest materially or spiritually within consciousness).

Experiencing complete stillness within oneself is the quickest and easiest method to have a direct application of faith. This silence IS complete faith, and this is how we “exercise” our spiritual faith.

Our mission here on earth is to arrive at a place of creative silence; specifically, for each of us to become manifesting channels (of flowing silence) through which divine Will is fulfilled in a deliberate fashion as opposed to in a haphazard one. As we become this conduit, the Self-sufficiency status of I AM gets automatically expressed; in other words, the wants that were previously dictated by our unique inner prompts are now governed by those of nature. So, every thought, speech, and action that we have is in harmony with I AM, which is to our benefit as well as the benefit of others and, by extension, the welfare of the world as a whole.

Waking Silence

Vibrational silence demonstrates that the mental commotion of undisciplined thinking was what kept the spiritual soul sleeping, but now, ironically, it is inner silence that awakens it. This is because vibrational silence is a silent state of vibration.

The fact that we are not born into this world as fully formed “saints” but rather as potential exposes itself further when we are silent. If we were born “perfect,” there would be nothing for us to overcome; there would be no opportunity for the development and testing of applied faith; consequently, there would be no reason for us to be in mortal bodies and go through the learning or suffering phase of the soul’s evolution toward becoming conscious I AM, which would allow us to realize our higher potential.

Because bliss is inherent to silence, practicing daily meditation helps infuse bliss into the very nature of the mind, thereby establishing vibrational I AM as our very own eternal, self-sufficient, faith-infused conscious soul. Because bliss is inherent to silence, practicing daily meditation helps infuse bliss into the very nature of the mind. This is God becoming directly acquainted with God AS you, and doing so via you. To put it another way, God [I AM] does not work to us but rather works through us.

As faith is based on silence and silence is the active ingredient, it follows that our faith must first become established as quiet consciousness.

Scholars from long ago were in on the secret.

Since the dawn of time, authors of metaphysical works have been emphasizing the significance of cultivating an inner quiet.

Therefore, when determining the worth of scriptures, it is of the utmost importance to acknowledge that the authors who attained self-realization were highly skilled in the practice of direct transcendental silence, also known as faith experiencing. These authors were daily meditators who were able to harness pure meditative silence, which is the reason why their writings on inner events are so powerful, insightful, and discernible, despite being written in a coded format.

Events such as “Noah’s Ark” resting atop a Mount signify the awakened silence-mind arriving upon higher states of stillness within awareness. These higher states are referred to as “Mounts.” Noah is a metaphor for the human spirit, and the Ark is a representation of the human brain. Because of this, a significant portion of the Bible concentrates on the concept of’silence within’ and the awakening of one’s inner spirituality. Hence, one’s mental and physical health are merely reflections of a transcendental state of awareness known as stillness.

The ancient thinkers placed a strong emphasis on the necessity of calming the constantly agitated conscious mind and the associated levels of chaotic thinking in order to gain access to pure calm, also known as transcendental consciousness, which is the origin of both spiritual and physical well-being. That everything our conscious mind continually considers or plays with will be interpreted as a prayer by our subconscious mind.

If happiness is the nature of stillness, then the obvious question that follows is: what, then, is the nature that is antithetical to happiness?

The Soul That Is Free From Fear

Because our spiritual soul is , also known as pure silence, it is impossible for there to be any fear present while we are in the presence of profound stillness on a regular basis. Therefore, residual fear founded on ignorance is the dominant emotion prior to spiritual awakening, and it is the polar opposite of complete silence. As a result of the fact that fear is antithetical to love, the Bible places a significant emphasis on this subject.

Job 3:25-26 NIV “The thing that he dreaded the most happened to him.”

Job is making it very obvious that whatever the subconscious mind is attached to terribly will be accepted as prayer and made present within by law.

The good news is that due to the fact that quiet is the antithesis of fear, the reverse of Job’s remark is also accurate: whichever ‘prayer’ we are always pleased about, comes to pass. To put it another way, when our consciousness shifts to one that is founded on silence or, more accurately, that is saturated with silence, then this silence becomes as natural positive prayer. Instead, when a person’s heart is filled to the brim with love and overflowing with it, fear is unable to enter and take over.

The Bible says that “Perfect Love casts away all Fear” (I John 4:18).

The transformation of human fear into spiritual soul love is facilitated by perfect love, also known as pure transcendental silence. The perfecting inner process reawakens the asleep all-loving spiritual heart into expressional unconditional compassionate love. It also reawakens our spiritual consciousness from the mire of lower human intellect, which generates and maintains fear in the deeper subconscious mind.

Entering a state of meditative silence on a daily basis is necessary to cultivate “perfect love.” But once work has been begun on it, the goal of “perfect love” becomes impossible to ignore in the heart. Therefore, regardless of our creed or position in society, the foundation of each and every one of our personal exchanges should be absolute love in the form of complete silence. When consciousness vibrates as love, fear cannot exist because there is no room for it there. This is a divine state that goes beyond the confines of self-interest and the lower ego.

Speaking through the higher spiritual heart, as opposed to language and mental activity that is sourced from spiritual ignorance and residual fear, is what the Bible refers to as “speaking in tongues.” This is an expression of fearless love.

Transcendental Silence

In the absence of direct experience of transcendental silence, the conscious mind finds itself lost in the turbulent sea of so-called “noise” and the attraction to lower levels of sense consciousness. At this point, the need for silence within oneself becomes an absolute necessity. Inner hearing of the sacred sound AUM in this context is analogous to dropping a mind-soothing pebble-sound into the choppy surface mental waters, thereby triggering the ocean’s deeper stillness into oscillating pure silence unto our deeper consciousness, thereby ‘firing’ inner happiness, peace, and love, including optimally boosting the immune system. In other words, it is like dropping a mind-soothing pebble-sound into the choppy surface mental waters.

This stillness-pebble, AUM, initiates vibration and expansion, and in doing so, acclimatizes the consciousness of pure transcendental unbounded silence. This results in the soul re-establishing itself on a higher path of spiritual evolution and realigning with higher states of vibrational silence consciousness. Our life is moving beyond the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty that it has been experiencing and into the love-vibrancy, rootedness, and permanence that it now possesses.