The difference between UI and UX design

UI and UX design

Let’s start with what UX and UI actually mean: Although two professions in the tech industry – have been around for decades and, in theory, centuries. They are only now being talke about.

UX design means user experience design and UI design means user interface design. Both are very important to a product and influence each other. Although they are professionally related, their functions are very different and cover completely different aspects of the product development and design process. Before examining the main differences between UX and UI, it is important to define what these terms mean.

What is user experience (UX) design?

UX design is a type of product design that puts people at the center of the design process. Don Norman, a cognitive scientist and co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group. A consulting firm, coined the term “user experience” in the late 1990s.

It’s easy to explain, right? But as you’ll soon realize, the definition doesn’t include technology, digital technology or the work of a user experience designer. As with any other profession, the process can’t be explaine in a few words.

Although an academic term, it has been use almost exclusively in the digital world since its inception, as the technology industry was booming at the time it was coine.

“User experience” generally refer to anything that can be experience – a website, a coffee machine, a supermarket, etc. User experience is the interaction between the user and the product or service.

What is UX design?

UI designers consider how users feel when using a product and how easy it is to perform tasks. They also observe and analyze data about how users perform tasks in the user flow.

UX design is about creating and improving the quality of user interactions in all aspects of an organization.

Theoretically, UX design is not a digital practice (cognitive science), but is use and define primarily in the digital industry.

UX design is about the overall user experience, not the visual elements.

What is User Interface (UI) design?

While UX is a set of activities design to optimize the efficient and enjoyable use of a product. UI design is an extension of it – the look, feel, and interaction of the product.

However, as with UX, this field is often confuse with the work of interface designers, and the two profession are often described as completely different.

UI design is also very user-centric, and the goal is always to create a user-friendly interface that allows users to move seamlessly from point A to point B. This serves as the user’s interface to the computer. This serves as the user and computer interface.

However, unlike UX, which is broad and complex, UI focuses on the design and layout of the digital screen and its individual elements. This includes buttons, scrolling and scrolling, menus, typography, graphics, colors, animations and transitions from one screen to another.

What distinguishes user interface design from user experience design?

I like to describe the different parts of a (digital) product in a similar way. If you think of a product as a human body, the skeleton is the code that gives it structure. The legs are the interface design that is measure by input and optimize to support the core functionality. Interface design reflects cosmetics, performance, emotions and body reactions.

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are two of the most ambiguous and frequently used terms in our profession. UI without UX is equivalent to an artist applying pointless pain to a canvas, and UX without UI is like a sculptor without a paper frame. A good product experience starts with the UX and then the UI. These two factors are critical to the success of a product.

UX and UI design: the main differences between the two

  • UX refers to the overall experience and the impression it leaves on the user. Good and bad user experiences are not tangible. Rather, they are the result of the clarity, intuitiveness, and ease of use of the product or service as a whole, or their confusion, clumsiness, and frustration. User interface refers to a very specific aspect of the overall user experience: the design of the user interface through which a person interacts with a digital product.
  • The user experience is heavily influenced by research, analysis and understanding of the user’s needs. User interfaces are also about the user, but mostly about visual design and interaction. Of these two disciplines, UI is clearly more artistic, while UX focuses more on problem solving.
  • User experience is a very broad concept that encompasses a wide variety of human experiences and interactions, such as visiting a library to borrow a book, using an app or website to book a flight, or even visiting a dentist. User interface design is uniquely tied to digital products and experiences.

Summing Up

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